For the resilience evaluation in three different socio-environmental and bio-cultural frameworks: Africa, Asia e Latin America.

The direct beneficiaries are young public officials or technicians (max 35 years) coming from the Priority Countries of the Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development, who will attend the Master Course. About 18 participants are expected to participate each year for three consecutive years, whose expenses will be totally covered by the project.
The indirect beneficiaries are the rural communities that through the involvement of local and international institutions can improve their living conditions, increase the value and the market of their products. The recognition of an agricultural heritage system within the FAO GIAHS program can increase the attractiveness of an area for tourists, can increase the economic value and the opportunities to commercialize local products and in general contribute to improve the quality of life of local populations. Local institutions (Ministries for agriculture, tourism and environment) will also benefit from the project, through the dissemination of the promotion of the GIAHS program in their countries, as well as for the availability of trained technicians and officials able to manage the application of suitable sites to FAO GIAHS programme.