The project, financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), aims to promote the knowledge of agricultural heritage systems and traditional landscapes, supporting the FAO GIAHS program, through training and research activities, especially in the AICS Priority Countries. The GIAHS program is aimed at the worldwide identification of agro-silvo-pastoral systems that reflect the ingenuity of human adaptation to the environment, expressing the richness of biocultural diversity and the relationship between man and nature, able to sustain livelihoods for local communities.
(Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems)
For the resilience evaluation in three different socio-environmental and bio-cultural frameworks: Africa, Asia e Latin America.


The general goal of the project is to promote the conservation of traditional agricultural landscapes, contributing to the improvement of the quality of life and work of rural communities, reducing the abandonment and emigration, promoting food quality and safety and improving the income of farmers. These goals will be achieving following the principles of sustainable development and dynamic conservation, enhancing the role of Italy for supporting the GIAHS program, as well as the planning and conservation of agricultural heritage systems. The identification and definition of guidelines for the conservation and management of agricultural heritage systems able to adapt to different environments and climates will be carried out, in order to preserve biocultural diversity and agro-biodiversity, to maintain cultural values, traditional knowledge and the characteristics of landscape. The project takes as its scientific reference, the “Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems” FAO programme, the values established by the program and the characteristics of the registered landscapes. More generally, the project also intends to promote the awareness of these issues among the general public, public decision makers and scholars, to develop greater attention and sensitivity regarding the continuous degradation and the progressive disappearance of traditional agricultural landscapes.
The specific goals of the project are related to carry out a master courses for students coming from the Priority Countries of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, and to identify and map potential GIAHS sites in the Priority Countries. The training will be based not only on the scientific expertise of the Laboratory for Landscapes and Cultural Heritage of GESAAF, but it will take the sites of the National Register of Rural Landscapes of Historic Interest as examples of management strategies for the preservation of agricultural heritage systems. The Laboratory has developed a Memorandum of Understanding with FAO GIAHS Program, in 2012, specifically addressing the intention to develop academic training on GIAHS. Participants at the training course will have the opportunity to visit different study areas in Italy, belonging to the National Register of Historical Rural Landscapes and Traditional Agricultural Practices, and to learn how to apply the principles of dynamic conservation and sustainable development for the planning and management of traditional agricultural landscapes, and how to activate proposals for including agricultural heritage systems in the GIAHS program. The project also aims to identify and map agricultural landscapes potentially able to apply for GIAHS program, by studying the characteristics of the sites already registered and then identifying areas with similar characteristics in the Priority Countries of the Italian Agency for Develpment Cooperation. Finally, the goal is also to create a training center for high training on these issues at the University of Florence, that can establish itself at international level even beyond the end of the project.
Expected main results: