The Course is a First Level Master. Participants must have a university degree, accepted by the University of Florence, in one of the following topics: Agronomy, Forestry, Cultural Heritage, Biotechnology, Alimentary Sciences, Natural Sciences, Territorial Planning, Architecture, Geology, History, Tourism, Economy, Geography.
Participants must be fluent in English language, spoken and written.
Agriculture International Master Course
The master is open to a maximum of 30 students
For the year 2019/2020, 20 places are reserved to young people (max 35 years) coming from the Priority Countries of the Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICS). A maximum of other 10 students can be accepted from all the other countries. Three more students can apply for single teaching modules.
Applications are open!
The deadline will be around mid September 2019.
The ranking of the admitted students will be published at the end of October 2019.
Subsequently, the suitable candidates must enroll before mid November 2019.
Lessons will start in January 2020.


The Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICS) will totally cover the costs for travelling, accommodation, food and tuition, for the 20 participants coming from the Priority Countries.
AICS Priority countries:
- SUB-SAHARIAN AFRICA: Burkina Faso, Senegal, Niger, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique;
- MEDITERRANEAN: Egypt, Tunisia;
- MIDDLE EAST: Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan;
- BALKANS: Albania, Bosnia;
- ASIA: Myanmar.

The tuition cost for the Master is 3,000 Euros:
- the first half of the tuition fee must be paid upon registration;
- the remaining part of the tuition fee must be paid before the 1st of March 2020.
A total of 3 places are available for single teachings. The fee for the single teachings is 420 euros each. It is possible to apply only for the following single teachings:
- Rural development
- Agrobiodiversity
- Laboratory 1. Planning and Management
The registration fee of the students to the Master can be paid by third parties (public bodies, foundations, companies, etc.).
The registration fee must be paid by bank transfer to:
Università degli Studi di Firenze – rata di iscrizione Agricultural Heritage Systems Master 2019/2020.
IBAN IT88A0200802837000041126939, Unicredit S.p.A., BIC SWIFT UNCRITM1F86.


NOTE: before applying please prepare all the following documents to be uploaded after filling the form
- CV (EU format recommended)
- Degree Certificate + full transcripts
- Employer’s authorization to attend the course.
- Copy of the Passport valid at least until December 2020.
The students selected for the participation at the Master Course must provide the Declaration of Value (Dichiarazione di Valore) complete of translation and legalization for the Degree Certificate. This document is issued by the local Italian Embassy or Consulate and the issue cost of the document will be refunded by AICS. Students can provide this declaration or a self certification (According to this form) together with the application. In case of self-certification, the declaration of value must be provided before the beginning of the master course.
All of the above documents should be presented as PDF, in a zip or rar file.
In order to register to the Master Course, accepted participants will be asked to bring copies of their degree certificate and the related Declaration of Value (Dichiarazione di Valore), which is essential for enrolling at the University of Florence. Also, a passport valid at least until December 2020 is required.
Once you have been selected we suggest you to immediately start the procedures for requesting the multi-entry student VISAto enter Italy since it takes time. AICS funding will cover only the cost of the VISA issue. All the other expenses related to the issue of the VISA (transport to the Consulate, …) will not be covered.
Students coming from AICS Priority countries should apply here:
Students coming from AICS Priority countries should apply here:

NOTE: before applying please prepare all the following documents to be uploaded after filling the form
- CV (EU format recommended)
- Degree Certificate + full transcripts
- Employer’s authorization to attend the course.
- Copy of the Passport valid at least until December 2020 (for non-EU citizens).
- The non-EU students selected for the participation at the Master Course must provide the Declaration of Value (Dichiarazione di Valore) complete of translation and legalization for the Degree Certificate. This document is issued by the local Italian Embassy or Consulate. Students can provide this declaration or a self certification (According to this form) together with the application. In case of self-certification, the declaration of value must be provided before the beginning of the master course.
All of the above documents should be presented as PDF, in a zip or rar file.
In order to register to the Master Course, accepted participants will be asked to bring copies of their degree certificate and the related Declaration of Value (Dichiarazione di Valore), which is essential for enrolling at the University of Florence. Also, a passport valid at least until December 2020 is required for non-EU citizens.
Once you have been selected we suggest non-EU citizens to immediately start the procedures for requesting the multi-entry student VISA to enter Italy since it takes time.
Students coming from Italy and other non priority countries should apply here:
For technical issues related to the application procedure, you may contact (This address is not to be used for sending application materials, which can only be submitted through the website.) Tel +39 055 275 5662