In the framework of the GIAHS Capacity Building project, carried out by
the Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI) of
the University of Florence, and funded by the Italian Agency for
Development Cooperation (AICS) a collaboration with Slow Food – Terra
Madre has been started.
Four webinars (21 January, 11 February, 1 March, 15 March) and an online conference (30 March) are planned. Webinars will focus on the potentiality of the GIAHS (Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems) Programme for the sustainable development of rural areas as well as the procedure for proposing a territory for the inscription in the Programme itself.
First webinar – 2021 January 21st, 17.30 to 19.00 (CET). Speakers: Prof. Mauro Agnoletti (coordinator of the “GIAHS Capacity Building” project), Prof. Francesco Sottile (Slow Food Italia), Dr. Clelia Puzzo (FAO GIAHS Secretariat), Pietro Clarici (a farmer of one of the Italian GIAHS sites), Dr. Salvatore Gabriele (President of the Isola di Pantelleria National Park).
Second webinar – 2021 February 11th, 12.00 to 14.00 (CET). Speakers: Dr. Marta Messa (Slow Food Europe Director), Prof. Mauro Agnoletti (coordinator of the “GIAHS Capacity Building” project), Dr. Federica de Gaetano (Italian Agency for Development Cooperation – AICS), Dr. Endo Yoshihide (FAO GIAHS Secretariat Coordinator), Dr. Marta Cimas (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain).
Third webinar – 1 March 2021, 17.30-19.30. Speakers: Dr. Edie Mukiibi (Slow Food International Vice-president, Slow Food Africa Network Coordinator), Prof. Mauro Agnoletti (coordinator of the “GIAHS Capacity Building” project), Dr. Marco Focacci (Italian Agency for Development Cooperation – AICS), Prof. Alfred Oteng-Yeboah (University of Ghana, Representative of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations – IUFRO), Dr. Nazarena Lanza (Slow Food Office for Africa & Middle East), Dr. Souhad Azennod (Coordinator of the Rif Einkorn Wheat Presidium).
Fourth webinar – 15 March 2021, 17.30-19.30. Speakers: Thalita Kalix (University of Brasilia, Slow Food Brasil), Prof. Mauro Agnoletti (coordinator of the “GIAHS Capacity Building” project), Dr. Emilio Cabasino (Italian Agency for Development Cooperation – AICS), Dr. Rafael Zavala (FAO Brasil), Dr. Claudia Ranaboldo (Coordinator of the Plataforma de Diversidad Biocultural y Territorios), Prof.ssa Silvia Scaramuzzi (University of Florence), Dr. Érika Zárate Baca (FAO Office for Central America).